In a culture filled with girls who are anxious, lonely, and who long to belong, GEMS reminds girls that they matter to God and to us. We share three words with girls that will change everything: You are LOVED. Our goal is to reach every girl with the Good News and love of Jesus. 

At Rusk Christian Reformed Church, our GEMS Club Coordinator is Glenda Neymeiyer. She has put together a team of helpers and counselors to walk alongside of our GEMS girls each meeting. Our craft helpers are Susie Otterbein and Red DeYoung. Our counselors are Sarah Steenwyk and Marcia Geurink (3rd/4th grade), Julie Meyers and Michell Jaarsma (5th grade), Carmen Schreiber and Michelle VanEerden (6th/7th/8th grade). 

This year, our season theme is Transformed: Changed by God’s WORD from the INSIDE OUT. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

At our meetings, we will spend time digging into God’s word, making a craft, working on our badges, writing out Bible Memory for a keychain. 

We have assigned a snack schedule for each meeting. Each girl is to bring 15 snacks each, or 30 snacks for a family. These do not need to be the same snacks. Drinks will be provided.

Everyone GEMS girls receives a Badge book. This book will stay at church unless parents request it be brought home. We are going to be using a white sash to display all the badges earned. These also stay at church until they graduate from GEMS.

Please click here to access our password protected page of GEMS Documents, including the Schedule and Directory. 

Please contact Glenda with any questions or concerns.